The journal Logeion – Philosophy of information, of a research group philosophy and information policy of IBICT, arrives in its fifth year with the recognition of its effort to approximate researchers, scholars and students in the emerging area at the frontiers of Information Science and Philosophy.

The latest national classification of journals from Capes attributed A4 concept to our journal. We are happy and want to thank all those who contribute to Logeion's consolidation as a qualified critical publication. This result would not have been possible without the collaboration of many minds, hearts and hands.

At this time, when democracy has been questioned as a Western tradition, that nature has been devastated and overwhelmed, that science and culture have been despised as human construction, and that freedom has been denied and wounded, we have to affirm and open Public Spaces for criticism.

This edition opens as an article Leilah Santiago Bufrem and Bruna S. Do Nascimento "Brazilian scientific production in the web of science: between the political discourse and the metric studies of information". This article presents the characteristics of the Brazilian scientific production represented in the Web of Science (WOS) as an illustrative example resulting from the relationships between structural and conjunctural elements in the dynamics of Brazilian scientific policies.

A relational study of the scientific field was conducted in Brazil, with a conjuncture analysis to understand the diversity of empirical elements representative of the Brazilian scientific production between 2017 and 2019. It analyzes how the productive demands of the development agencies intensified in the last decades and are present in the discussions in different fields of knowledge.

The results show the formation of five large clusters among which stands out the University of São Paulo (USP) as central node and national Scientific Production Center. It recognizes that the representation of Brazilian science is relevant, especially considering the themes such as tropical diseases.

"The Ethics of information in PGP in IS pin Brazil", by Vinícius Cerva de Moraes and Jackson da Silva Medeiros, seeks to verify how the information ethics in the post-graduation programs in information science in Brazil is characterized through the analysis of content in research projects, articles and disciplines of the programs cited that may be addressing the area.

It observes that there is a significant disparity with regard to the topic of professional ethics of the librarians among the indicators of research and production. It highlights the work of Isa Maria Freire and Maria Nélida González Gómez in this area. It suggests the realization of new studies in function of ethical-informational challenges in topics such as plagiarism and fake news.

Clóvis Ricardo Montenegro de Lima, Helen Gunther Fischer and Mariangela Rebelo Maia present "Discursive competence: a special case of communicative competence". This article delineate the concept of discursive competence as a special case of communicative competence, as far as discourse is a special case of communicative action.

They depart from the discussion of competence within the process of learning and moral development, and within it the linguistic competence and the communicative competence. The notion of discursive competence is developed as an ability to rationally argue, to recognize the other and its arguments and to make agreements around the best argument.

Discursive competence includes the ability to universalize the argumentative process. The development of discursive competence is linked to the moral development of individuals, social groups and society. They conclude that competence can be developed, not only as technical skill, but also as moral development.

Maria Cristiane Barbosa Galvão and Ivan Luiz Marques Ricarte in "Systematic review: Conceptuation, Production and publication" discusses the systematic review of literature, which is more than an usual activity part of an academic research work: the Systematic review is a modality of research, which follows specific protocols and seeks to give some logicity to a large documental corpus.

The article presents essential aspects and types of systematic reviews of the literature. The stages of its production are approached, from the delimitation of the research question, the selection of databases, the elaboration of the search strategy, the selection of documents and the systematizing of the results. The comprehension of these aspects is essential not only for authors, but also for reviewers and journal editors.

"Democratic process: recognition of the other as a form of access to justice", by José Antonio Callegari, makes the important question of political philosophy: the recognition of the other. Another interesting aspect of the article is that discuss with theories of language philosophy. The judicial process is analyzed, identifying the relationship between speakers that allows a sociological approach to this legal instrument.

From an instrumental view of the process, we perceive an interaction between people governed by a certain legal grammar. In this sense, author, defendant and Judge practice acts of speech in the jurisdiction, forming a particular community in an institutionalized public space. By exercising their role as speakers, interacting with each other, each of them postulates a type of recognition in intersubjective practices with the other of the relationship. Recognizing themselves as subjects of rights they legitimize the process as a discursive, dialectical and dialogical instrument of access to justice, establishing among them a pedagogy of recognition.

Elias Santos Serejo, Danila Cal and Leandro Rodrigues Lage present "Political collective action and fight for recognition: the performance of the Brazilian Association of Homotransafetive Families in the defense of other modalities of families". The authors also discuss the recognition of the other, especially the family diversity.

The work seeks to understand how the association mobilize the dimensions of affection and solidarity in the political struggle. Representatives of its first board of directors were interviewed. The association arises to welcome, defend and represent homoaffective families in order to make these citizens emancipated and with recognized rights.

"Black women were not made to carry books: tensioning and social response in network at the Pan-Amazonian Fair of the book in Pará" is the article by Rosaly Brito, Lorena Esteves and Jerussia Ventura. The authors analyze the social repercussion of the poster "Hall of the Book of the South region and southeast of Pará" for the Pan-Amazonian Fair of the Book of 2018.

The fair honored country was Colombia and the publicity piece highlighted a black woman carrying books on her head, representing the Palenqueras. The fact generated repercussions on social networks and the media, with protests against the reiteration of the image that inferiorizes black women. It's another article that addresses the recognition of the other.

José Claudio Matos, Edgar Bisset Alvarez and Eliana Maria dos Santos Bahia Jacinto in "Digital humanities and symbiosis between human and machine – some Reflections" examines the relationship between reading and computational programs of text mining in The context of Digital Humanities (HD). This relationship is described in the form of a symbiosis between the human being and the computer, in the terms initially proposed by Asimov (2005).

A conception of reading as an intelligence operation is put into dialogue with the concept and applications of text mining. The reflection on the symbiosis between reading and mining of texts results in a concept of digital humanities as a set of strategies for the growth and adaptation of human culture in the digital environment.

"Application of text mining software in the representation of the information of artistic Works", by Wagner Oliveira de Medeiros, Fabio Assis Pinho and Renato Fernandes Correa, presents the discussion of the application of information technology in the processes of information representation of artistic-pictorial works.  The general objective is to present a possible relationship between the software of text mining and the systematization of terms in the practices of representation of information from the documentation generated by the analysis of artistic-pictorial works by the bias of Information Science

The research used Sobek online software to process a sample of the documentation generated by analyses of artistic-pictorial works, with the realization of three stages: a) textual organization of the documentary content; b) Insertion of the textual content organized in the software Sobek and generation of the graph; c) Analysis of the graph generated by the Sobek software. The results indicate that the use of Sobek shows indications of the feasibility of using text mining as an aid to the processes of information representation of artistic-pictorial works,

In "Access to documents with and without the use of information technology" Ana Suely Pinho Lopes and Jorge Pedro Sousa proposes to analyze the advantages of access to digital documents and at the same time, point out challenges founded when searching in printed documents. It briefly discusses an experience when researching physical and digital collections in Portuguese libraries.

The authos seeks to emphasize the documents of historical value and emphasize the relevance of the use of technology in access to information. The study allowed us to observe that the use of information technology applied to documentary heritage offers numerous gains in relation to the reduction of time and the costs employed with the reproduction of copies and the accumulated documentary mass.

The authors states that, unfortunately, the number of institutions investing in these resources is still insignificant, which hinders access to this patrimony and consequently compromises the availability of documents to society in a timely manner.

Sulema Rodríguez-Roche and Ania R. Hernández-Quintana presentsm "Strategic convergence between Humanities and Information Sciences: the challenge of digital changings in Cuba". The authors presents the emergence of the digital humanities and the main axes in which it converges with the values and practices of the Information sciences.

The academic and professional context of the information sciences in Cuba is presented as a scenario to consolidate the main contents that characterize the teaching and production of digital humanists. Based on the analysis of interdisciplinary relations and the goals of the 2030 agenda, especially related to full access to information, a transversal view is proposed, adapted to the national reality, to intervene.

This research concludes the first stage of the development of the research Group on Humanities and Information Sciences (HDCICuba), institutional project of the Faculty of Communication of the University of Havana

This edition closes with a beautiful and provocative essay by Vinicius Souza de Menezes: "Confusion, the hoofbeats of beings Informes". The author presents the current Brazil as a flow of the Western anthropological machine. It is also "a scripture on Counterappeal" of an uncurrent contemporary, surrounded by virtual existences.

Out of the sense and univocity of a colonial conservatism transvestited in the clothes of the state, the eminently is unofficial, an accident that erupts in multivocal and contingent paths, breaking the barriers of universal language.

This incurrent is the noisy Brazil of the information beings and the wild words, the hoofbeats of the barbaric sweets that advance through the thick gates of the ancient polis and its modern apparatus of state. It is the search for the blanks of language, of their alterity games, of their grammatical babbles that fertilizes impertinent lives.

Logeion is working to offer the authors the opportunity to build with us the boundaries of our information philosophy. There are other possible territories. At the same time we invite readers to be actors in this process, disseminating the journal and its articles.



Rio, setembro, 15th, 2019.

Clóvis Ricardo Montenegro de Lima
