The IBICT Philosophy and Information Policy research group is now publishing the tenth volume of its journal Logeion. It's been 10 years working for the demarcation of this area within Information Science, in a transdisciplinary interface with Philosophy. We privilege Practical Philosophy: Ethics and Politics.

There was skepticism surrounding the proposal when we published the first issue of the journal. It was said that, despite its relevance, the Philosophy of Information would not have authors in quantity and quality to guarantee the biannual publication of articles. Our history shows that they were wrong.

It is worth highlighting the contribution of guest authors in the first issues of the journal to build its reputation. Among them, we would like to mention and thank the philosopher professors at the Humanistic University of Utrecht, in the Netherlands: Harry Kunneman, Fernando Suárez Muller and Ruud Kaulingfreks, as well as the Uruguayan Professor Rafael Capurro and the American Professor Ronald Day.

It is especially relevant to mention the contribution of the Dutch philosopher Harry Kunneman, who was in Rio de Janeiro in 2014, as a visiting researcher at IBICT. He wrote two articles, which were published in Logeion, with the proposition of building the Humanistic Studies of Information. One of the articles brought humanistic conceptual bases and the other the proposal of a normative professionalization.

In addition, our history is intertwined with the history of the Habermas Colloquiums held in Rio de Janeiro during this period, along with the Colloquiums on Information Philosophy. These Colloquiums were fundamental both for the formation of an incipient community of "philosophers of information" and for the demarcation of the thematic areas of interest. It is worth thanking all those who participated and are participating in the Colloquia.

From the initial phase of the journal, the collection of articles by the Habermasian philosopher Flávio Beno Siebeneichler should be highlighted. The collection of eight articles published in 2018 includes works presented by Siebeneichler when he was a visiting researcher at IBICT. This collection serves as an introductory guide to the work of Jurgen Habermas for teachers and students of Information Science.

Starting last year, we decided to publish the Annals of Colloquiums for the first time as a Special issue of the journal. This year we started to publish collections of the authors with the highest number of presentations of works in the Colloquiums. Four collections were published, by philosopher professors Jovino Pizzi (from UFPel), Delamar Volpato Dutra (from UFSC), Anderson Menezes from UFAL) and Charles Feldhaus (from UEL).

At the time we launched the journal, there was also skepticism about the existence of an audience receptive to the Philosophy of Information. The regular launch of the journal showed that there is indeed an audience of readers interested in this area. The visitor map shows that our readers are spread across all continents, especially in the Americas, Europe and East Asia.

An important contribution to the formation of this readership is the fact that we offer an HTML version of the articles. This format facilitates the use of free text translators on the Internet. This was a suggestion by Ronald Day, whom we thank, and it had a positive impact on the journal global diffusion.

We would like to close this presentation by thanking the workers and collaborators of the journal. Thanking in the first place the researcher Maria Nélida Gonzalez de Gomez, who idealized and led the formation of the research group Philosophy and Information Politics in 2009. Maria Nélida formed a first generation of interested information scientists and scholars of the Philosophy of Information in the Brazil. It was from them that the seed of this area germinated. It was from them that the Logeion journal emerged.

We thank all those who collaborate with us by participating in the Editorial Committee of Logeion. They are fundamental in building the network around the journal, especially Brazilian authors. We also thank all those who collaborate directly in the production of the journal, participating in the editorial team and in reviewing the articles received. We would like to thank Professor Geni Chaves Fernandes (from UNIRIO) by name, who shared with us the editing of the journal and greatly contributed to the definition of a good quality standard for this work.

Finally, it is worth mentioning the recognition of this work at Logeion. Formally, it is worth mentioning the assessment by Capes, which awarded the journal an A4 grade. It is a good parameter of what is being done in the journal and with the journal. It is also worth mentioning the impact of the published material, noting that a single article by professors Cristiane Galvão and Ivan Ricarte, from USP in Ribeirão Preto, published in 2019, has 380 citations. This demonstrates the good results of this collective effort.


Rio de Janeiro, August 2023


Clovis Ricardo Montenegro de Lima
