Logeion - Philosophy of Information, linked to the Philosophy and Information Policy Research Group of the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT), ends its first decade consolidating the journal's proposal, which is to disseminate research on the Philosophy of Information through the publication of articles that address issues of philosophy, especially practical philosophy. Volume 11, number 2, will publish articles accepted between January and June 2025 in the continuous reception and publication format adopted since 2024. T
he change in format has streamlined the publication of articles that, once accepted, are reviewed and prepared for publication. This change was an important first milestone in the past year. In addition to the two usual volumes, with the publication of 23 and 25 articles, respectively, there was also a Special Edition with the Proceedings of the XX Habermas Colloquium and the XI Colloquium on Philosophy of Information, with 39 articles presented at the event. The event took place online and was held from September 24 to 26, 2024, and provided intense discussions on the proposed theme: “Democracy and technology: Internet regulation and artificial intelligence in the public sphere”.
The journal is in stratum A4 in the latest published Qualis Capes evaluation (2017-2020) and is present in many information sources - BRAPCI, Diadorim, DOAJ, Google Scholar, Latindex, Miguilim, Redib and recently in PhilPapers. PhilPapers is a philosophy bibliography resource maintained by the community of philosophers and provides access to journals, books and other open access materials in the area. Our goal with the changes in editorial policies is to result in the journal being indexed in major international databases.
At the end of 2024, Logeion was awarded resources from CNPQ call for proposals No. 30/2023 - Editorial Program. This is the first support received through an external agency. The funds received will be used primarily to maintain the journal, which, like most Brazilian journals, is staffed by dedicated volunteers to make publication a reality.
The funds will be used to solidify and professionalize the journal, expand indexing, and attract new readers and authors. It is expected that it will be possible to increase the visibility and reach of Logeion and, consequently, of the Philosophy of Information, by improving the quality of the articles published in the journal.
Today's society continues to challenge us with technological, social, cultural, and economic changes. In this way, the approaches presented in the journal can contribute to critical rational thinking in the world of life. Readers are invited to follow and take ownership of the articles that will be published throughout 2025, and researchers and scholars in the field are encouraged to submit their contributions to Logeion.
Good reading!
Rio de Janeiro, January 17, 2025.
Clóvis Ricardo Montenegro de Lima
Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (IBICT)
Ana Gabriela Clipes Ferreira
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
Assistant Editor