The simondonian materiality and the question of information


  • Solange Puntel Mostafa Universidade de São Paulo
  • Igor Soares Amorim UDESC



Information, Individuation, Simondon, Deleuze, Epistemology


The notion of information crystallized in the area from the perspective of the Mathematical Theory of Information, under the focus of communication, however, this is not the only possible semantics. Gilbert Simondon uses the concept of information as an element involved in the individuation process. In dialogue with Deleuze's philosophy and the contributions of researcher Faucher, this essay explores Simondon's ontology in order to put the concept of information back to Information Science. For Simondon, there is no physical, biological, psychic or social individual without information. Information implies the becoming of and in the matter. Under such a foundation, Information Science takes place in the virtual-intensive-current cycle while following the materiality it owes as it is informed and individualized. Information Science is open to the possibility of thinking about information as an intensive force on an immanent plan.


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Author Biography

  • Solange Puntel Mostafa, Universidade de São Paulo

    Professora Sênior da Universidade de São Paulo


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How to Cite

MOSTAFA, Solange Puntel; AMORIM, Igor Soares. The simondonian materiality and the question of information. Logeion: Filosofia da Informação, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, v. 8, n. 1, p. 27–45, 2021. DOI: 10.21728/logeion.2021v8n1.p27-45. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.