Polyphone information regime
as a counterpoint to the notion of disinformation in information science
Disinformation. Polyphonic information regime. Neoliberalism. Digital social networks.Abstract
The purpose of the present work is to discuss the use of the term disinformation by the field of Information Science (CI). The word, disinformation, has been used in recent years - most notably after the election of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States of America, a position he held between the years 2016 to 2020 - to characterize a behavior based on the sharing of fake news via digital social networks, mostly, and, through communication techniques that aim to make users of a certain communication tool, believe in fake news. However, we believe that the use of the term cannot clearly explain how it occurs or, if possible, determine via studies in the field of IS (information as a physical dimension, information as a cognitive dimension, information as a social intersubjective dimension) that there is a phenomenon or a process that misinforms subjects exposed to certain information. We believe that there is a contradiction in the term, which can contribute to an explanatory tabula rasa on how the validation of certain information content is processed, that is, under which ethical foundations, regulatory frameworks and customary practices the subjects in this digital arena produce, appropriate and disseminate information.
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