Philosophical questions on the study of information
Information Science, Information Philosophy, Information (Philosophical CategoryAbstract
It deals with philosophical issues related to the study of information. Its problem is: what philosophical questions can be considered necessary for reflection and reasoning around informational studies? The general objective of the work is to identify the philosophical issues surrounding information studies. Its specific objectives are: a) to intersect Philosophy and Information Science; and b) discuss philosophical possibilities for the study of information based on authors in the area. This is a basic research, of a qualitative nature, which used the bibliographic survey as a data collection instrument. The terms "Information Science", "Information Philosophy", "Philosophy", "Information Science Philosophy" were searched on academic websites, such as the Information Science Database (BRAPCI) and Google Scholar. Discusses the development of Information Science. Relates Philosophy and Philosophy of Information. It presents philosophical questions about information brought by Floridi (2010), Ilharco (2005), Capurro (2003) and Frohman (2012).
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