v.5, n. 2, Mar./Ago. 2019



The research group Collaborative Economies and P2P production in Brazil ratifies its commitment to collaborative and solidarity economies and to the innovations of production oriented towards the commons and well being. The publication of P2P & Innovation journal is part of this commitment.

In these times when the voices of Capital make powerful choruses and the economic calculation seems to invade all walks of life in society, it becomes necessary the counterpoint of solidarity and collaborative economies. Dissent must go beyond a great refusal and build the dream of another possible world.

Innovation is not only the production of the commodities, but it is mainly the ability to face the threats and challenges of the world of life. We have to find exits where there seem to be only alleys and cliffs. To innovate is to go beyond borders and walls.

The articles in this issue compose a dense web of innovative and critical approaches to the scope of the journal. The authors are attuned to the air of our time and this ensures a reading that will surely please those seeking references to go far from established knowledge.

The article "From the right of freedom to solidarity", by Anderson Alencar de Menezes and Dalmo Cavalcante de Moura, brings a conceptual reconstruction from the discussion of freedom and the justice by Axl Honneth. The authors work with four premises: 1. social reproduction and cultural integration are regulated by norms, as a collective good; 2. The concept of justice implies the acceptance of values ​​in the practices and institutions of society; 3. the diversity of social reality is accepted and selected to ensure universal values; 4. A theory of justice is a form of analysis of society which presupposes normative reconstruction and critique the various ranks of ethics.

Solidarity has become a theme. The regulatory forces of power and money cross the society. Resistance and dissent go through social bonds and the construction of intersubjectivities. It is necessary to organize the basis of society around dignity and the justice with freedom. Solidarity is the amalgam in this process.

We present the first chapter of the P2P Accounting for Survival report, produced by the P2P Foundation and organized by Michel Bauwens. It is a visionary text that offers the perspective of future infrastructures. The central issue in this report is how to change the system that encourages and rewards exploitation, but does not recognize and encourage the production of wealth by "generative" activities.

The article brings the result of 10 years of activities of the P2P Foundation and its partners in Commons research programs. It summarizes what is known of the Commons's emerging economy. It emphasizes the importance of the invention of "blockchain" (trust protocols), which brings with it the need to develop distributed accounting. Finally, the article guides the bases for building a society centered on Commons production.

Suzana Iglesias Webering in his essay "Social Economy, Non-Profit Sector, Third Sector or Solidarity Economy: Senses, Differences and Similarities" reviews the literature on concepts, seeking to their distinctions. The author finds the concepts of cooperation and self-management as references. It concludes by highlighting the organizational aspects of collaborative economies.

"Bicycle use in small Brazilian cities", from Daniel Guth and Victor Andrade Carneiro da Silva, presents the results of an exploratory research in 10 Brazilian cities. Their work highlights the attributes of bicycle culture, presenting the effects of car use. The results show profound changes in the locomotion habits, with modal migration and effects on variables that impact the quality of life in these cities. This type of research is fundamental for public mobility policies, including the promotion of quality of life and socio-environmental sustainability.

The article "Scientific and technological institutions in Brazil", from Luana da Silva Ribeiro, Faíque Ribeiro Lima and Hugo Márcio Vieira de Almeida Andrade, discusses how the interactions between State, University and companies contribute to innovation environments. The authors did a bibliographic review and analysis of government data. In developing countries the State plays an important role in fostering innovation. The authors consider that Brazil has an unconstrained system of innovation, dependent on foreign technology and with precarious infrastructure. They affirm the need to increase the University's connection with the productive system. They conclude that there is a need to invest in the national innovation policy.

Juliana Gonçalves Reis, Haydée Maria Correia da Silveira Batista, Adauto Dutra Moraes Barbosa and Martius Vicente Rodriguez y Rodriguez present "Bio-bibliometric analysis: the case Cesar Gomes Victora" with the objective of mapping the evolution of the collaboration network and the accumulation of scientific capital of the pediatric doctor and epidemiologist Cesar Gomes Victora over 40 years. The authors used the Scopus bibliographic database as the main source for the authors' corpus composition. They found 502 journal articles, separated into four collections for decades between 1977 and 2016. From this body they traced a timeline of collaborative networks and the accumulation of scientific capital. The results show the significant growth of the number of publications and collaborations in the four decades, with greater expression in the last 20 years. The accumulation of scientific capital has given Cesar Victora a unique international authority in the health field, especially in maternal and child health.

"Digital transformation and knowledge management: contributions to the improvement of productive and organizational processes" is presented by Ricardo Alexandre Diogo, Armando Kolbe Junior and Neri dos Santos.

The authors speak about Digital Transformation, also called Industry 4.0, which has implemented technologies for improvement and innovation of production processes and organizational management. In this scenario they discuss how Knowledge Management can contribute to the transformation in organizations and, at the same time, how it contributes to Knowledge Management. The authors have made an interesting review of the literature on the relationship between the pillars of Industry 4.0 and Cyber ​​Physical Systems with Knowledge Management.

Ana Carolina Dantas presents "Problems and risks faced in projects of ROLLOUT global SAP ERP", which starts from the search of organizations to have in information management a competitive differential. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) management software is used as a management tool through the integration of information. The article discusses the risks and impacts of an ERP system rollout and its importance in decision making. They carried out research contextualizing the introduction of the software and case study in a company. The research addresses the key aspects of ERP implementation, analyzing requirements and implementation returns as well as SAP software functionality. They conclude that the benefits of ERP are outweighed.

The article "Communicative competence for problematization and learning in organizations" by Clóvis Ricardo Montenegro de Lima, Helen Fischer Günther and José Rodolfo Tenório Lima, discusses communicative competence in the relation between discourse and learning. The authors use communicative action as a reference for the characterization of communicative competence. They explain the convergence among Habermas, Freire and Piaget, in which communicative action provides learning of the subject as a permanent construction. Communicative competence emerges as a skill that, in addition to linguistics, is defined by learning that it rationally criticizes and builds. It is concluded that learning, considered as a rational reconstruction, presupposes interaction between the subjects, and allows the understanding around the best argument.

We make this publication with thanks and a tribute. We thank the editorial team of the journal: Ariane Maciel, Daniela Capri, Kátia Simões, Mariângela Maia and Tirza Rodrigues. Their work is critical to ensuring the quality of the journal. We honor Aldo Albuquerque Barreto, a senior researcher in Information Science and a member of the magazine's Editorial Committee, who died a year ago. It remains a reference.

I would like to end this presentation by wishing our readers have a good experience with this issue. In difficult times knowledge is a light that guides, and provides joy in the soul.



Rio de Janeiro, March 1, 2019


Clóvis Ricardo Montenegro de Lima
