Corona and the Commons
Michel Bauwens[1]
P2P Foundation
The article addresses an important stage that the pandemic brought to the transition of the transition from the “old” to the “new” ways of organising Society. Points to an attitude emerging from changes. The Corona crisis, despite weaknesses and errors, has shown what can be done and how quickly institutions can adapt and change their choices, since life is at stake and, therefore, its legitimacy. This process towards ‘partner state’ practices and public-commons protocols will not be automatic, and will be an alternative to a coercive and authoritarian state-centric model, which could be one of the negative outcomes of this crisis.
Keywords: Coronavirus. Commons Transition. Public-Commons.
O artigo aborda um importante estágio que a pandemia trouxe para a transição das “velhas” às “novas” formas de organização da sociedade. Aponta para uma atitude emergente de mudanças de lutar por adaptações e reformas estruturais, bem como propor reformas centradas em bens comuns e políticas transformadoras a mobilização global. A crise Corona, apesar das fraquezas e erros, tem mostrado o que pode ser feito e com que rapidez as instituições podem se adaptar e mudar suas escolhas, uma vez que está em jogo a vida e, portanto, sua legitimidade.
Palavras-chave: Coronavirus. Transição Commons. Commons Publico.
In short, I have come to two important conclusions:
1) society moves from relative stable stages, through chaotic transitions, which are real mutations both in human consciousness and in socio-economic structures
2) this change is non-linear and moves through internal or external shocks.
Clearly, Corona is such a shock, partly exo-genous, i.e. a unpredictable outside factor, but also partly endo-genous (internal factor), since our devastating ecological practices are an important part of pandemic generation. It's a double whammy which both endangers human life and creates a double shock to the economic system (both demand and supply driven, this is quite unprecedented, as economic crisis usually alternate between one and the other). Corona is not going to be sufficient for a full transition, but it will be a Great Accelerator, which has already changed so much in such a short time. I am not predicting that the results will be uniformly positive (accelerating the green/p2p/commons transition), or negative (KLEIN, 2008). Think about what happened after the fall of Rome, to see a mixture of radical changes.
· global just-in-time supply chains, most starting off in China, have grown to a halt, showing a total lack of resilience in other countries, who have strategic reserves of medical devices, testing kits, etc.
This regime, which is now still dominant and necessary, can order around market players, as they are now doing through new legislation that both saves and coerces/mobilizes market players; but most of all, it needs to work with, and help mobilize, the collective intelligence of trans-local and trans-national expertise which is strongly needs to be more effective itself. This proces towards 'partner state' practices and public-commons protocols will not be automatic, and will be an alternative to a coercive and authoritarian state-centric model, which could be one of the negative outcomes of this crisis.
2) Use the opportunity of this pedagogical catastrophe to strive for structural adaptations and reforms. In other words, we can't just be local and tribal, we must be trans-local, work at every level of institutional life, to transform institutions and proposes commons-centric reforms and transformative policies. The Coronavirus crisis is also a non-linear opportunity for longer-term agenda setting to promote the necessary deep reforms and transformations that need to take place so humanity can take care of its needs within the planetary boundaries and in recognition of its interdependency with other life forms.
We are not there yet, but we're definitely seeing strong premises for it, and for which this crisis acted as a revealer. This is just the first of the pedagogical catastrophes that will force the necessary transformations to a new stable system, that lives within the confines of nature, and realizes its interdependence with all other life forms; It will need to escape the historical cycle of pulsation between extractive regimes leading to ecological crisis, and the regenerative responses that human societies have always brought; Instead, we will need to move to a steady-state economic and social regime, that can last many centuries and millenias.
COMMONS Transition and P2P: transnational institute a primer. Available from: Access in: 12 apr. 2020.
KLEIN, Naomi. The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. New York: Picador, 2008.
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. “Solidarity” clinical trial for Covid-19 treatments. Geneve: WHO, jun. 4, 2020.
[1] Bibliotecário. Diretor e fundador da Fundação P2P. Ativista e pesquisador do Peer-to-Peer e do Commons.