v. 9 n. 2 Mar./Ago.2023


The P2P & INOVAÇÃO journal is a biannual publication, linked to the Research Group Collaborative Economies and P2P Production in Brazil of the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology – IBICT. This journal's mission is to offer a space for reflection and debate on the various experiences of solidarity economy and collaborative production between peers, especially considering its innovative nature in the environmental, political, economic and cultural spheres. It is especially intended to disseminate experiences and investigations on the emergence of P2P production and the promotion of the common good by and in civil society.


The P2P&Inovação journal this March salutes and stands in solidarity with all women in their fight against discrimination and gender inequalities. The majority of the magazine's editorial staff is made up of women. The work of these women made the journal reach the A4 grade in the last published evaluation of Qualis Capes. The journal's appreciation is an achievement of them, and of the many women who signed articles in this issue and in previous issues.

We reached the ninth year of the journal, and we publish this issue in a context of great hope and work for social, economic and environmental changes. The elected government that took office on the first day of 2023 is committed to democracy, after four years of political obscurantism. We hope and work for justice, with a reduction in inequalities and for the resumption of economic development with environmental sustainability, as well as for freedom and recognition of our diversities. It is worth highlighting the strong hopes that the Lula government brings to the entire world, both for the preservation of the Amazon rainforest and for isolating the global extreme right.


In this time of change and light, it is time to think, to think rationally, to make choices. The articles in this issue make up a panel of contributions to the demarcation of what Solidarity Economy and Commons are, and within them productive and social innovations. Information Science and Social Sciences focus on these areas to think about what they are and what they can do.

We would like to once again reproduce the journal's themes of interest: science and technology policies; open science; sustainable development; innovation policies and practices; information and communication technologies; digital technologies; artificial intelligence; intellectual property and special use licenses; culture and creative economy; organizational studies and information management; challenges and innovation in scientific communication; human rights controversies in science, technology and innovation; Criticism of political economy. The articles in this issue of the journal are organized into three major thematic groups: Solidarity Economy, Innovation and Information Studies. It would be redundant to summarize all published articles. We strongly recommend that P2P&Inovação readers skim through its summaries, and will make their choices to read the entirety. We therefore invite our readers to delve into this issue, knowing that we will find more than just unpublished material. They are original works that guide and stimulate critical thinking, discussing concepts and practices. In this way, we fulfill part of our mission as an IBICT research group, registered in the CNPQ Directory.


Good reading!




Rio de Janeiro, March 2023.



Clovis Ricardo Montenegro de Lima
