V. 10, n. 1, set. 2023.


IBICT's Collaborative Economies and P2P Production research group is now publishing the tenth volume of its P2P&Inovação journal. It has been 10 years of working to demarcate an area within Information Science, in a transdisciplinary interface between Solidarity Economy, Collaborative Production, Innovation and Innovation in Information Science.

Our magazine was born in a "golden cradle": when Michel Bauwens (from the P2P Foundation) was in Brazil as a visiting researcher at IBICT, an optional course on Peer production was offered at the UFRJ School of Communication. It was these "students" who drove the creation of the IBICT research group, to continue the coordination of these innovative pioneers.

At the conclusion of the course at ECO, students were invited to produce articles. After some discussion, it was decided to publish these articles as a coherent volume. This volume thus constituted the first issue of the P2P&Inovação journal.

It is worth highlighting the contribution of guest authors in the first issues of the magazine to building its reputation. Among them we would like to mention and thank the invaluable collaboration of Michel Bauwens and colleagues at the P2P Foundation and the professors at the Humanistic University of Utrecht, particularly Fernando Suárez Muller and Ruud Kaulingfreks.

In the historical evolution of the magazine, some roads and doors opened. Our first special issue was published in 2018 in honor of Paul Singer, in honor of the then recently deceased. A productive partnership was thus formed with the Associação Brasileira de Economia Solidária/Brazilian Association of Solidarity Economy (ABES), mediated by friend and UFSC professor Armando Lisboa.

We also published the Proceedings of the 2nd National Health Information Forum in 2019. The Forum was organized in a partnership between the IBICT and the ICICT of Fiocruz, the same company that organized the 1st Forum in 2011, which resulted in the creation of the Information and Health from the National Association for Research and Postgraduate Studies in Information Science IBICT.

In 2020 we published a special issue on Information Management, with articles selected by the Information and Knowledge Management Network, focused on Innovation and Entrepreneurship. In 2021 we published another special issue on Sustainable Development in the Amazon, organized by professors Ana Maria Vasconcelos and Mario Vasconcellos, from the University of Amazônia, and Ronaldo Mendes, from the Federal University of Pará.

In 2020 we published a special issue of the magazine on challenges and opportunities in the Covid-19 pandemic. The evidence of the magnitude and relevance of the area of Health Information encouraged us to create a magazine specializing in Health Information, Asklepion. Therefore, we removed this area from the focus and scope of the P2P&Inovação magazine.

In 2023 we will publish a second special issue dedicated to Paul Singer, organized in partnership with ABES. This publication ratifies and expresses our magazine's commitment to solidarity, social justice and innovation, especially that aimed at sustainable development.

The regular launch of the magazine showed that there is indeed an audience of authors and readers interested in this interdisciplinary area. The magazine's visitor map shows that our readers are distributed across all continents, especially in the Americas, Europe and East Asia. An important contribution to the formation of this global readership is the fact that we offer HTML versions of articles. This format makes it easier to use free text translators on the Internet.

We would like to close this presentation by thanking the journal’s workers and collaborators. First of all, I would like to thank professor Ivana Bentes, from ECO at UFRJ, who collaborated in the training and co-leads the research group on Collaborative Economies and P2P Production in 2013.

We thank all those who collaborate with us by participating in the P2P&Inovação Editorial Committee. They are fundamental in building the network around the journal, especially authors. We also thank all those who collaborate directly in the production of the journal, participating in the editorial team and in reviewing the articles received.

Finally, it is worth talking about the recognition of work in P2P&Inovação. Formally, it is worth mentioning the Capes evaluation that assigned the periodical the A4 stratum. It is a good parameter of what is being done in the magazine and with the magazine.

Good reading! Happy learning!

Rio de Janeiro, Setember 14, 2023.


Clovis Ricardo Montenegro de Lima
