Theory of communicative action of Habermas in the administration of health organizations

systematic review in Medline, Scopus, Web of Science databases


  • Clóvis Ricardo Montenegro de Lima PPGCI IBICT/UFRJ
  • Mariangela Rebelo Maia Universidade Santa Úrsula



Habermas. Theory of Communicative Action. Management. Health organizations. Health.


This article shows the results of a systematic review with a search in three databases on the theory of communicative action by the German philosopher Jurgen Habermas in the area of ​​Health Organization Management. We want to highlight the relationships established between the philosophy of language, particularly the Theory of communicative action, and the Administration of Health Organizations, both for the construction of theoretical agreements and practical agreements. Three databases were consulted (Scopus, Web of Science and Medline via Pubmed). From the application of the strategies, 178 records were retrieved. After the filter based on the research objectives and the exclusion of duplicate articles, 42 articles remained, but only 41 full articles are considered in the qualitative synthesis. The retrieved articles are classified into eight categories and have been published.


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How to Cite

LIMA, Clóvis Ricardo Montenegro de; MAIA, Mariangela Rebelo. Theory of communicative action of Habermas in the administration of health organizations : systematic review in Medline, Scopus, Web of Science databases. Logeion: Filosofia da Informação, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, v. 9, p. 183–206, 2022. DOI: 10.21728/logeion.2022v9nesp.p183-206. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 mar. 2025.