O valor da desinformação no contexto do capital informação
The phenomenon of disinformation has taken center stage in public debate in recent times. The discussions and actions to combat uninformative content have been driven by the most diverse sectors of society, motivated mainly by the massification of the production, circulation and consumption of fake news. However, disinformation is not restricted only to the environment of the circulation of fake news by pseudo journalistic media, nor is it characterized as a new phenomenon. It is possible to reassemble other historical contexts where uninformative bias has been used as state policy, war strategy and consensus production around announced truths. In this sense, what makes misinformation such an urgent and current problem? Seeking to answer this question, our proposal is based on a theoretical-analytical discussion anchored in a Marxian perspective of political economy. To this end, we will operate with two notions that we consider essential to elucidate this issue, which are: the logic of Capital Information and the notion of value in the environment of a political economy of socio-digital platforms.
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