Will the Fake News be information?
an Analysis Based on Information Theoretical Plans
Fake news., Information theory, Informational ContextAbstract
The informative context is threatened by the wide dissemination and access of fake news – false content, which uses characteristics of news from journalism, so that individuals who receive them, believe that they have a true nature, leading the reader to error, due to their poor quality. intentionality. In view of this, the question arises: to what extent could fake news be considered informative? In this article, information plans are exposed, which concentrate some of the main theories of information. The article carried out a descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The bibliographic survey focused on fake news and information theory and took place in the Scientific Electronic Library Online – SciELO, in articles from journals available in open access. It should be noted that the discussion on the informative potential of fake news is still controversial and should be continued by Information Science researchers, given the relevance of the topic to society in social, political and economic terms.
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