Complexity Theory and Decoloniality: Possible Contributions to Information Science
contribuições possíveis para a ciência da informação?
Complexity Theory; Decoloniality; Information Science; Coloniality; Epistemology.Abstract
This study addresses Complexity Theory and the concept of decoloniality as cognitive tools to guide epistemic directions in the field of Information Science. Bibliographic and exploratory research is used to outline the theoretical data presented. The results achieved reveal a critical analysis of the Eurocentric precepts of scientific knowledge, using complex thinking and decoloniality as an analytical focus on coloniality. It is identified that scientific knowledge is structured by aspects of coloniality, patriarchy, and capitalism, which, in turn, unfold in the development of epistemic racism and sexism. It is concluded that both complexity theory and decoloniality can expand the epistemological spectrum of Information Science and, consequently, its object of study, information.
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