Tacit knowledge and a multi-method approach in Asset Management


  • Giovanni Moura de Holanda FITec - Technological Innovations
  • Jorge Moreira de Souza FITec - Technological Innovations
  • Cristina Y. K. Obata Adorni FITec - Technological Innovations
  • Marcos Vanine P. de Nader



Palabras clave:

Tacit knowledge, Qualitative and quantitative data, Elicitation, Asset management, Decision making


This paper has two main objectives. The first one is to reflect on the validity of data in analysis and projections that underpin the engineering asset management of organizations, considering, on the one hand, a certain resistance or even inadequate use of data and information of a subjective nature and; on the other hand, a consolidated reliance on quantitative approaches and decisions based on data series. The second objective is to contextualize the applicability of combining qualitative data based on experts’ experience and on the tacit knowledge built in organizations, with approaches based essentially on quantitative data, according to the data availability and the decision scenario over the asset life cycle. We present two application of an approach combining quali and quanti data. One example interrelates Statistics with Psychology and the other combines elicitated data about asset indicators with parameters deterministically calculated. Both applications aiming at providing more realistic indicators and supporting the Asset Management process to make more assertive decisions.


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Biografía del autor/a

  • Giovanni Moura de Holanda, FITec - Technological Innovations

    Researcher and consultant with more than 30 years of career in the area of digital technologies and innovation projects. Currently he is Data Scientist at FITec – Technological Innovations, Brazil, engaged with R&D projects for several sectors, e.g., electrical utilities, telecom, logistics and industry 4.0, and mainly involved in systemic issues related to Artificial Intelligence, Digital Transformation, Asset Management and Methodologies of Analysis. He is also member of the FITec Technical-Scientific Council.


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Cómo citar

Tacit knowledge and a multi-method approach in Asset Management. Logeion: Filosofia da Informação, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, v. 8, n. 2, p. 197–212, 2022. DOI: 10.21728/logeion.2022v8n2.p197-212. Disponível em: https://revista.ibict.br/fiinf/article/view/5723.. Acesso em: 19 jul. 2024.