Transnacionalização da justiça em Nancy Fraser
repensando a esfera pública habermasiana
Esfera Pública, Transnacionalização, Enquadramento, JustiçaAbstract
Based on the analysis of the theoretical-social assumptions that link Habermas' initial conception of the public sphere to the Westphalian framework of public space, Nancy Fraser proposes the need for restructuring the public sphere based on a transnational framework, given the existence of discursive arenas that go beyond the limits of the Nation State, with a strong influence on social reality. In this context, Fraser emphasizes that the concept of public sphere was developed not only to understand communication flows, but also to contribute to a normative political theory of democracy. In this theory, a public sphere is conceived as a space for the communicative generation of public opinion. Aiming to guarantee that the process is inclusive and fair, publicity should discredit views that cannot withstand critical scrutiny, for the purpose of ensuring the legitimacy of those who participate in the process. Therefore, it matters who participates and under what conditions. In these terms, two ideas are central to the analysis of the public sphere: normative legitimacy and the political effectiveness of public opinion. The absence of these elements renders the concept empty of critique and political action, according to Fraser. Therefore, the author seeks to rethink the Habermasian public sphere theory, which is implicitly guided by a Westphalian political imaginary, a vision that no longer corresponds to contemporary globalized reality.
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PRESTUPA, P. Da efetivação da paridade de participação como requisito para uma esfera pública igualitária. Logeion: Filosofia da Informação, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, v. 9, p. 60–74, 2022. DOI: 10.21728/logeion.2022v9nesp.p60-74. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 out. 2023.
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