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Author Guidelines

The official language of the journal is Portuguese and we also accept submissions of original writings in English and Spanish.

It is recommended to be used current versions of ABNT rules concerning submission of articles in periodicals (NBR 6022), presentation of citations in documents (NBR 10520), preparation of references (NBR 6023), original presentation (NBR 12256), standard for dating (NBR 5892), progressive numbering of the sections of a document (6024) and abstracts (NBR 6028), as well as the standard tabular presentation of the IBGE.

Attention should be paid to a maximum of pages sent to the original: 10 to 20 pages.

Manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the periodic system after user registration as AUTHOR. You should follow specifications: A4 size (21cm X 29.7 cm), 1.5 spacing between lines, text, font size 12, top margins of 3.0 cm, 2.0 cm bottom, left and right 3.0 cm 2 , 0cm.

Pre-textual elements. The pre-textual elements consist of:

a) title and subtitle (if any caption, they should appear on the opening page of the article, or differentiated typographically separated by a colon (:) and the language of the text);

b) name (s) (s) of author (s);

c) summary in the language of the text (consisting of a sequence of sentences concise and objective rather than a simple listing of topics, not exceeding 250 words, followed just below the representative words of the work content, ie keywords and / or descriptors, according to NBR 6028);

d) keywords in the language of the text (must appear below the abstract, preceded by the expression Keywords:, separated by point and also finalized by end point).

Textual elements. The textual elements are made up of:

a) introduction;

b) development;

c) conclusion.

Post-textual elements. The post-textual elements consist of:

a) title and subtitle (if any) in a foreign language;

b) a summary in a foreign language;

c) key words in a foreign language;

d) Note (s) explanatory (s) (if any);

e) references;

f) glossary (if any);

g) Appendix (s) (if any);

h) Attachment (s) (if any).

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Contribution should be original and unpublished and must not be under any evalution for another jornal; otherwise it should be justified in “Comments to editor”.

  • Original texts should be electronic submitted through SEER system after logged in as an author.

  • URLs for reference should be informed when it is necessary.

  • Texts must follow styles standards and bibliographic needs present in Diretrizes para Autores under section Sobre a Revista.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.