Meu ódio será tua herança

informação tóxica na sociedade do capital-informação




informação tóxica; capital-informação; plataformização; redes de ódio; desinformação.


The relationship between information and capital has been vital for the production of informational habitus in the 21st century, either by the increasing transit of users interconnected to a large network, or by the massive production of infocommunicational artifacts that enable the maintenance of this flow. From the economic point of view, information is the matter that begins to structure the logic of the organization of capital and therefore also the social, political and cultural order of contemporary societies. Thus, it is in the current term of capital, understood here as capital-information, that we have seen emerge the business model of the economy of social-digital platforms supported by algorithmic culture, the all-everyone communication paradigm and the constant mining of user data. This highly lucrative model has been pointed out as one of the main responsible for the massive dissemination of disinformative content through the phenomenon of fake news, post-truth regime, propensity to formation of bubble filters, echo chambers, culture of cancellation and dissemination of hate on infohighways. Thus, in this work we seek to problematize the notion of toxic information as a reflection of an informational environment guided by toxicity, virulence, sectarianism, polarization and predisposition to digital violence as devices that have profiled the behavior of individuals in networks and outside networks, evoking old stigmas, prejudices, persecutions and false beliefs directed to groups and individuals considered materially and symbolically as threats. It is concluded that toxic information is a challenge to the democratic and civilizing order, constituting itself as a symptom of a sick society, as well as a high-income commodity in the society of information capital.


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How to Cite

Meu ódio será tua herança: informação tóxica na sociedade do capital-informação. Logeion: Filosofia da Informação, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, v. 10, n. esp2, p. 508–528, 2023. DOI: 10.21728/logeion.2023v10nesp2.p508-528. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.