Social justice in the web archives:
considerations to (re)think the documental appraisal
web archiving, web archive, archival appraisal, social justiceResumo
This paper examines the archival appraisal process in web archives through the lens of social inclusion, aiming to understand how archival theory can contribute to building web archives that promote social justice. By analyzing archival literature and empirical cases of ten web archiving initiatives, this research identifies elements that suggest ways to construct web archives aligned with social justice principles. The study emphasizes the importance of reconsidering web content evaluation processes in light of diverse cultural contexts and systemic inequalities that can lead to the permanent loss of historical records. It argues that web archiving requires a thoughtful consideration of the cultural dimensions influencing preservation decisions. This study contributes to the understanding of evaluation in web archiving and serves as a foundation for future research in the field.
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