Actions and strategies of international cooperation for the creation of the National Archive of Guinea-Bissau


  • Armando Malheiro da Silva Universidade do Porto (Portugal)
  • Cynthia Roncaglio Universidade de Brasília
  • Iaguba Djalo Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal)
  • Maria Beatriz Marques Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal)
  • Marcelo Nogueira de Siqueira Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal)
  • Shirley Carvalhêdo Franco Universidade de Brasília



record management, archives, guinea-bissau, professional training, international cooperation


This article examines the collaborative efforts of the Guinea-Bissau government, Portuguese and Brazilian public institutions, and universities to establish a national archive for the country, ensuring both legal and ethical compliance. It presents preliminary findings from the Project for the Preservation and Conservation of the Documentary Historical Heritage of Guinea-Bissau, funded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through the Peacebuilding Fund in Guinea-Bissau.A key component of this project was a training course for technicians and administrators involved in archival and document management within Guinea-Bissau’s public sector, led by professors from Brazil and Portugal. The methodology employed combined
a narrative of experience, detailing the historical, geographical, and institutional context of
public archives in Guinea-Bissau and the project’s objectives, with a critical analysis based
on bibliographic and documentary research, as well as on-site observation and action. The
findings highlight a substantial amount of work remaining to address the challenges facing the
creation of Guinea-Bissau’s national archive, as well as the development and implementation
of comprehensive archival policies and document management programs within the country.


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To the Ambassador of Guinea-Bissau to Brazil, M'bála Fernandes, for his support in strengthening relations between Guinea-Bissau and Brazil and for expediting the bureaucratic process that enabled the Brazilian trainers' trip to Guinea-Bissau.

To the Director of INEP, Samba Tenem Camara, and the Coordinator of the National Public Library of INEP in Guinea-Bissau, for their warm reception and support for all activities and fruitful working meetingso.

To the Resident Representative of UNDP, Dr. Tjark Enghoff, and other local authorities from government institutions and public and private universities.




Como Citar

Actions and strategies of international cooperation for the creation of the National Archive of Guinea-Bissau. (2024). Inclusão Social, 16(1).

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