The construction of Quilombola identity in Amazon

a study of school practices in guajará-miri, municipality of Acará, Pará


  • Agatha Leticia Eugênio da Luz Universidade do Estado do Pará
  • Ana D’Arc Martins de Azevedo Universidade do Estado do Pará / Universidade da Amazônia
  • Edgar Monteiro Chagas Junior Universidade da Amazônia



Identity, School, Quilombo, Guajará-Miri


The article focuses on and from the reality of the Amazonian quilombo Guajará-Miri located in the municipality of Acará in the state of Pará. It is anchored in the issues surrounding quilombola identity in school practices taking the community’s involvement in the school. This is a case study based on qualitative approach. The data were collected from observations, informal interviews and documentary examination. The interviews were carried out with two teachers and three quilombo’s residents. One of the residents is a retired teacher and creator of the first quilombola’s school in the community. Data analysis was performed using the critical-dialectic method. The research pointed out, among others outcomes, the following results: (a) there is an identity relationship between the residents and the school from the collective mobilization built in the Quilombo; (b) the residents and teachers have an affective bond with the school that produces sociability. The sociability has boosted innovative strategies that make identity belonging stand out and thus an improvement in the quality of learning-teaching processes in the school environment.


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How to Cite

LUZ, Agatha Leticia Eugênio da; AZEVEDO, Ana D’Arc Martins de; CHAGAS JUNIOR, Edgar Monteiro. The construction of Quilombola identity in Amazon: a study of school practices in guajará-miri, municipality of Acará, Pará. P2P & INOVAÇÃO, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, v. 7, n. 1, p. 151–168, 2021. DOI: 10.21721/p2p.2021v7n1.p151-168. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jul. 2024.