The teaching of archives, Archival Science, and human rights in Brazil


  • Francisco Alcides Cougo Junior Universidade Federal de Santa Maria


Palabras clave:

archival science , human rights, education


In recent decades, the relationship between archives, Archival Science, and human rights has been a frequent topic of technical works, publications, and events, both in Brazil and abroad. Despite the expansion of this theme in the field, its presence in the education of the area is still low. Considering this panorama, the present essay aims to analyze the presence/absence of content and curriculum components related to human rights in Archival Science courses in Brazil and their intersections. The essay is based on a set of thought-provoking questions about the topic: why teach human rights in Archival Science courses? How are Brazilian Archival Science courses dealing with the theme of human rights? What are the challenges for teaching archives, Archival Science, and human rights? And what are their perspectives? Based on these reflections, the essay seeks to contribute to the always necessary debates about the structuring and reform of pedagogical projects and curriculum frameworks in the country's Archival Science courses.


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Cómo citar

The teaching of archives, Archival Science, and human rights in Brazil. (2024). Inclusão Social, 16(1).