Entrepreneurial State: An Analysis of the I and II editions of the Centelha Program in Alagoas Entrepreneurship

uma análise das edições I e II do Programa Centelha no empreendedorismo alagoano





Inovação; Estado Empreendedor; Programa Centelha;


In the contemporary world, entrepreneurship has emerged as an alternative for people who wish to enter the job market. In this vein, the Centelha program came about with the aim of facilitating and providing technical information to candidates who, through selection, intend to receive consultancy and training to execute an innovative idea. In this way, the present work makes a quantitative analysis of the two editions of the Centelha program, with the objective of statistically identifying the results of each edition in Alagoas entrepreneurship through a documental analysis. In view of this, it was noticed that these types of programs positively impact entrepreneurship, once the directions and paths of the ideas submitted by the program proponents are mapped, it is possible to design a business environment and profiles of entrepreneurs and subsequently map which ecosystem they can be entered. Finally, the general objective is to carry out a comparison of the Centelha Program in its two editions under the premise of the Entrepreneurial State in Alagoas, knowing that the aforementioned public policy has the objective of positively encouraging citizens to apply their ideas by generating value through innovation. for society and for the region in which it is inserted.


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How to Cite

SANTOS SILVA, Cledison; CLEDSON MOURA RAMOS; BRUNO SETTON GONÇALVES; LUCIANA PEIXOTO SANTA RITA; RODRIGO GAMEIRO GUIMARÃES. Entrepreneurial State: An Analysis of the I and II editions of the Centelha Program in Alagoas Entrepreneurship: uma análise das edições I e II do Programa Centelha no empreendedorismo alagoano. P2P & INOVAÇÃO, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, v. 9, n. esp, p. 152–170, 2023. DOI: 10.21728/p2p.2023v9nesp.p152-170. Disponível em: https://revista.ibict.br/p2p/article/view/6327.. Acesso em: 2 jul. 2024.

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