Order as will and the possibilities of chaos
the real and potential threats of political extremism to the social order
Social order. Cognition. Political order.Abstract
This work intends to confront the theoretical conceptions of traditional sociological analyzes about the “social order”, which we will call “sensualist” - for assuming a naturalized social order, with the cognitive theories that see the “social order” as a theoretical-intellectual construction of individuals. Our expectation is that this discussion will help us to understand the current context of the emergence of radicalized political movements, regardless of their ideological hue, and the real risk and potential threat they represent to the stability of the tacit consensus assumed by agents in the social order. , such as the notions of fair and unfair, right and wrong, good and evil. We hope that the discussion about the foundations of the social order, as posed by social scientists, whether apodictic and factual or cognitive and rational, will help us to clarify the extent to which political radicalism, and radicalisms in general, is religious, moral , as well as the threats of diaspora that accompany them, have the potential to impose setbacks to what some analysts tend to call “civilizing milestones”. To what extent is political extremism able to impose disturbances of a moral nature on social pacts, threatening them really and massively?
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