Jogos de linguagem e neodocumentalismo

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  • Sergio de Castro Martins CBG/FACC/UFRJ



Ludwig Wittgenstein, Filosofia da Informação, Neodocumentalismo, Jogos de Linguagem, Ciência da Informação


This article aims to establish relationships between a theory of Neodocumentalism in Information Science and issues exposed in the philosophical systems of Ludwig Wittgenstein's Philosophy, especially in its second phase, as exposed in his work Philosophical Investigations. In this sense, it is intended to establish converging relationships between the concept of language-games and aspects related to the document as an instrument for conveying information, language and social practice. After an introduction to the topic, concepts of Neodocumentalism in the field of Information Science will be presented. Then, a presentation of Wittgenstein's system will be made, especially the system of its second phase and, soon after, aspects and considerations will be approached between Neodocumentalism and language-games.


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Author Biography

  • Sergio de Castro Martins, CBG/FACC/UFRJ

    PhD in Information Science, MSc in Information Science, MBA in Management and Information Systems, BSc in Library and Documentation. Actually is a MPhil Student. Research Matters: Information Science, Data Science, Semantic Web and Ontologies, Information Interpretation and Representation, Human-Information Interaction, Human-Computer Interaction, High-Performance Information Systems in Complex Environment. Consultant to public and private companies and corporations, operates in the areas of Information Management, New Technologies and Innovation.


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How to Cite

Jogos de linguagem e neodocumentalismo: algumas relações. Logeion: Filosofia da Informação, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, v. 10, n. 2, p. e-6935, 2024. DOI: 10.21728/logeion.2024v10n2e-6935. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.