GRIS Articulator: A Social Business Archetype for Management in Responsibility and Social Intelligence from the Perspective of Social, Environmental, and Corporate Governance


  • Alexandra Augusta Pereira Klen Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



ESG, GRIS framework, social responsibility, social intelligence, private social investment, articulator, servitization


This paper is the culmination of research undertaken during my postdoctoral research, aimed at  fostering a deeper understanding of pragmatism and the common good, particularly in the context  of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria within businesses, governmental bodies,  and territories. The paper introduces the foundational principles of this study, along with a detailed  examination of the GRIS framework. This framework, rooted in ESG principles, hinges on the dual  concepts of responsibility and social intelligence, providing a platform for the collaborative development  of strategies to address pressing and evolving challenges in climate, environment, and social sectors  through private social investments. The paper delves into various archetypes of articulators, with a  special focus on the GRIS Articulator and its unique servitization model. The research concludes with  key observations and analyses drawn from extensive engagement in the ESG sector. 


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How to Cite

GRIS Articulator: A Social Business Archetype for Management in Responsibility and Social Intelligence from the Perspective of Social, Environmental, and Corporate Governance. (2024). Inclusão Social, 17(2).