The pandemic reflections on the education offered by the public network of Maceió/AL
public policies and dignity from the perspectives of Habermas
Habermas. School. Covid. Rights.Abstract
The school reveals itself as an institution of emancipation, decentralized and more democratic, able to implement the violated fundamental rights, in particular, access to education, a fundamental right. Covid 19 pandemic for school age children and youth. After two years of social isolation, it is still possible to see that some teaching units in the municipality of Maceió/Alagoas have not even started the school year, in others, it is observed that the return to school, although it has started, still occurs slowly. , for Habermas, the public sphere should serve as an important forum where discussions and debates on relevant social issues should be brought to light by individuals and collectivities, including those who eventually feel excluded. The purpose of this article is to approach formal education in a post-pandemic context and contribute to reflections on the challenges faced by
educators in dealing with the current requirements that deal with the recomposition and acceleration of teaching-learning, having to level the teaching for all students, often without proper guidance to deal with the very diverse and individual needs that this public goes through and in which there is no diagnosis for a special condition, such as autism or if the delay presented by the student in the course of their schooling process is in fact characterized by the pandemic scenario experienced.
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Diário Oficial Eletrônico do Município de Maceio. Disponível em: http://www.cress16. admin/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/DECRETO-8853MACEIO.pdf. Acesso em: 05 de set. 2022.
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