Education mediated by technology: from inclusion to training


  • Antonio Jair de Sousa Silva Oros Soluções Educacionais



education, mediation, technology


Education is a continuous process that must be initiated within the family and systematized by the school.  Throughout the development of humanity, the teaching and learning system itself has evolved together,  particularly, together with technological tools which are in constant development. In this regard, despite being  mutable, the importance of technologies in education is undeniable, especially in current times when the internet  and devices allow simultaneous communication. Therefore, EMT (Education Mediated by Technology) fulfi ls  a strong need of the moment, uniting, through technological resources and the appropriate methodological  strategy, teachers and students in favor of the construction of knowledge. It is a supply model that still has  critics, however, it is undeniable that projects such as Canal Educação, which uses this methodological strategy,  contributes very eff ectively to the improvement of education in the state of Piauí. Rethinking and reevaluating  not only the tools available for education, but also their use, is extremely important for expanding off ers, with  the possibility of maintaining the quality of teaching. 


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How to Cite

Education mediated by technology: from inclusion to training . (2024). Inclusão Social, 17(2).