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Archive of Published Issues: 2019

Front Matter

Front Matter associated with this Archival Unit includes:


Metadata associated with this Archival Unit includes:

Journal URL https://revista.ibict.br/ciinf
Title Ciência da Informação
Publisher Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (Ibict)
Description journal Ciência da Informação, a technical and scholarly/scientific serials publication from the Brazilian National Science and Technology Information Institute - IBICT
ISSN 1518-8353
Language(s) English (en)
Spanish (es)
Portuguese (pt_BR)
Publisher Email ciinf@ibict.br

  • This publication reserves the right to modify the original, regarding norms, spelling and grammar, in order to maintain the standards of the language, still respecting author writing style;

  • The final proofs will not be sent to the authors;

  • Published works become Ciência da Informação's property, their second partial or full print being subject to expressed authorization by IBICT's Director;

  • The original source of publicaton must be provided at all times;

  • The authors are solely responsible fo the views expressed within the article;

  • Each author will receive two hard copies of the issue, if made availalbe in print.


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