About the Journal

Liinc em Revista, ISSN 1808-3536, is an open access peer-reviewed journal published by Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (Ibict, The Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology), and edited by its Post-Graduate Program in Information Science, which is developed in partnership with Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ, The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro).

Liinc em Revista is currently indexed by DOAJ, Latindex, Brapci, OasisBR, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA).

Focus and Scope

Liinc em Revista is focused on critical thinking regarding the dynamics involving the production, distribution, and appropriation of knowledge and information, facing the changes in the contemporary world.

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Peer Reviewing Process

The manuscripts submitted to Liinc em Revista are preferably evaluated through double-blind peer-review process – which requires anonymity among authors and referees – by at least two referees with a Doctorate degree.

If the manuscript has already been archived by the authors as a preprint, observing Liinc Open Access and Self Archiving Policy, the reviewing process will follow the single-blind model, that is, the authors’ identities may be known to peer reviewers, but peer reviewers’ identities are not revealed to the authors.

In the case of competing recommendations coming from those two reviewers, the manuscript is submitted to the evaluation of a third reviewer.

Based on the recommendations presented by the referees, the Editors will present one of the following recommendations:

  • Recommended for publication;
  • Recommended for publication after revision;
  • Rejected.

In the case of referees recommending only style and grammar changes, the Editorial Board will be entitled to apply such changes, always respecting the author’s writing style. In any other case, authors will be responsible for implementing the changes according to the recommendations of the Editorial Board.

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Publication Frequency

Liinc em Revista publishes two issues per year/volume (semiannual) as thematic dossiers. Starting in 2020, articles are published in a continuous flow, that is, they are made available online right after approval, copyediting, and layouting.

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Open Access and Self Archiving Policies

This journal provides immediate open access to all of its published articles, following the democratic principle of free and accessible knowledge to all.

Liinc em Revista, published by Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License – CC BY 4.0

Liinc em Revista does not charge any article submitting, processing, or publishing fee.

Liinc em Revista allows for the deposit of preprint or postprint versions of its published articles, in open access repositories, according to its open access depositing policy registered in the Directory of Editorial Policies of Brazilian Journals (DIADORIM).

Liinc recommends archiving the articles’ preprint or postprint versions in dedicated open or non-commercial repositories, such as arXiv, e-LIS, EmeRI, LIS Scholarship Archive, SciELO Preprints, e SocArXiv. When submitting a manuscript that has already been archived as a preprint, authors should provide Liinc em Revista with its archiving date, URL, and DOI record (when available). Please provide this information in the field “Comments to Editors”. These types of manuscripts will follow through a single-blind peer-reviewing process, according to Liinc em Revista Peer Reviewing Policy.

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Ethics and Integrity in Scientific Practice

Authors are fully responsible for the content of their articles published by Liinc em Revista.

Authors must guarantee that their submitted work contains no matter that can be construed as libelous or as infringing in any way on the copyright of another party.

Authors must guarantee that their submitted work respects the privacy, dignity, and integrity of the subjects involved in the research, as well as research involving animals should be conducted with ethical principles. When it is due, authors should present the necessary consents and approvals along with the submitted manuscript.

As for issues regarding authorship and research integrity, Liinc em Revista observes the guidelines defined on the topic of Ethics and Integrity on Scientific Practice by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development in Brazil (CNPq), through the determination Nº PO-085, published in 5 May 2011, as well as the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

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Data and Code Sharing

Liinc em Revista recommends depositing data sets and code supporting the analyses and results described on submitted works. These elements should be deposited/published in accordance with the FAIR Principles, preferably, in dedicated institutional or generic open data/code repositories, such as Zenodo, GitHub, and Bitbucket. Further information on research data repositories is available on the Registry of Research Data Repositories (re3data).

Data and code deposits should be cited in a dedicated section of the submitted manuscript, titled “Data availability”, and described as follows:

“The entire data set/ software supporting the results and the analyses of this study was made available in [repository name] and can be accessed in [URL or unique identifier].”

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Estatísticas de Acesso


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Liinc em Revista is sponsored by the Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (Ibict, The Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology) and have received grants from Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Faperj).

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