Call for papers dossier: "The Digital, the Traditional, the New Normal? Spaces, Policies, and Reading Agents"


Dossier Title: The Digital, the Traditional, the New Normal? Spaces, Policies, and Reading Agents


  • Paula Sequeiros (Researcher at the CES, Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra)
  • Nuno Medeiros (Professor at the School of Arts of the University of Lisbon and Researcher at the Centre for Comparative Studies of the University of Lisbon)

This issue of Liinc em Revista focuses on the recomposition of reading in contexts and circumstances that forge new realities, intertwining the digital and traditional loci (mainly printed and material, but also oral and performative).

Reading as a political, social and technological object involves the production, mediation and appropriation (learning, culture, information) of texts (artifacts subject to interpretation), in a diverse relation with communicational circulation models and in plural articulations between the digital and the printed. In these processes, continuity, interpenetration and tension materialize in varied expressions, which has contributed to modify the concrete realities of practices, agents and reading spaces in different social, economic and political contexts. Libraries, publishers and bookstores, spaces reconfigured in a framework of public disinvestment, economic concentration, financial cuts and closures, when confronted with social inequalities and barriers to reading, aggravated by the globalized pandemic, face multiple challenges. Are we witnessing the emergence of standards for a new normal? Do we signal a change in actions and policies as a result

From an interdisciplinary gaze, Liinc em Revista opens a call for papers on the following topics:

  • Libraries, social inequalities and public reading services with and for social diversity
  • Public policies and reading: permanence, ruptures and agendas
  • Economics of libraries, publishing and reading
  • Subalternity and counterculture in reading and editing: resistant voices and imposing voices
  • To prescribe, mediate and frame reading: agents, spaces and circuits
  • Digital services, Artificial Intelligence and technology systems and networks
  • Technologies, power and diversity in information literacy

Keywords: libraries; public policies; reading; mediation; publishing; digital.

Submission deadline: 27/03/2023 (Extended).

Author guidelines and more information: