Dossier: Decoloniality and Information Science: dialogical pathways


Editors invited to the Dossier:

Andre Vieira de Freitas Araujo (UFRJ)
Lucia Maciel Barbosa de Oliveira (USP)
Luciana Gracioso (UFSCar)
Marco Donizete Paulino da Silva (UFSCar)

Dossier Theme:

The theme of Decoloniality cuts across several layers and levels of social construction of knowledge, retaining in its framework notions about information and knowledge, arising from the gradually increasing awareness of the issues of silencing and subjugation of peoples, ethnicities, classes and, or, group identities that compose a socio-technological mosaic that interweaves all human history.

In this perspective, discussions about research approaches and interests - whether or not directed by a disciplinary character, or a monopoly of a given knowledge - become necessary topics to understand at what points the convergences and divergences of the fields of knowledge welcome or disseminate multifocal realities, with possibilities of disagreements or mutually enriching agreements.

If, from a specialized point of view, the sub-themes related to multifaceted cultural views are distant from the ideal horizon, as a cut from the objective reality, there is an increasing urgency in considering a holistic perspective in which multivariate cuts, although attractive , or simply refractory to each other, are considered relevant in the construction of a path in which the human, the social, the technological, the scientific, the artistic and the political views become an integral part of the expanded discussions, integrating objective notions about the discourses and varied subjective strategies, both contributing to the development of knowledge as a whole.

Based on the preceding considerations, this dossier of Liinc em Revista invites researchers from Information Science and related fields to present results of theoretical, applied and experimental research on the following topics, related to the subject of the Dossier:

  • Decolonial studies of information, documentation and communication
  • Identities and post-identities
  • Decolonial perspectives of scientific production and communication
  • Pluriepistemologies, ecology of knowledge and epistemicides
  • Decolonial poetics: art, aesthetics and literature
  • Technologies and cosmotechnologies
  • Time and memory

Articles submitting guidelines

Original articles in Portuguese, Spanish and English are accepted. The spelling check and standardization of citations and references according to ISO 690 is the responsibility of the authors. Non-native articles in the chosen language must be proofread by a professional translator.

In the articles, the first author should preferably have an academic title of Doctor of Philosophy and cannot have a title lower than that of Master.

Articles submitted outside the scope of the dossier and outside the rules of the journal will not be accepted.

Every submitted manuscript must be adequate to the journal's submission model, in DOCX (Microsoft Word) or ODT (LibreOffice ou Apache OpenOffice). Other submission guidelines are available at


Submission deadline: UNTIL JUNE 30, 2021 (WITHOUT EXTENSIONS), at