Scientific journals from the epistemological southern: decolonial challenges and epistemic disobediences
Scientific communication, Scientific journals, Decoloniality, Epistemological SouthAbstract
This article outlines an overview of the challenges of scientific communication in countries of the “epistemological South” – a term coined by Boaventura to designate the nations of the geographic south of the globe (Africa, Latin America and Asia), where forms of colonial and capitalist domination are positioned. The objective of the article is to present challenges imposed by colonialism and decolonialism on scientific production in these countries, especially scientific journals, in search of space, visibility, recognition and impact, in the face of the epistemic monopoly of the global North. The article is the result of exploratory and bibliographical research, as well as documentary research with the ISSN Portal, Journal of Citation Reports (JCR), Ethnologue Languages of the World and IBGE Countries to outline an overview of the challenges faced by scientific journals in the epistemological South. Some initiatives were also listed that confront the protagonism of scientific knowledge in the countries of the North and refer to epistemic disobedience, in search of the dissemination of decolonial knowledge
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