The Qualis effect: A comparative case study of the Brazilian rating system for peer-reviewed journals


  • Rafael Campos Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa



San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment, Brazilian rating system, Qualis, impact factor, metrics, h-index


In recent years, Impact Factor scores have been criticized due to misuse. The growing acceptance of Impact Factor scores in many Brazilian subject areas has created this recent discussion, mainly because Brazil has its own rating system for journals: Qualis. The whole system follows governmental directions under the Ministry of Education, and it has been criticized as a monopolized evaluation system that accepts Impact Factor scores as tools for measuring quality. Despite being under ministerial instruction, each subject area adapts the system, applies Impact Factor scores as a valid measure, or does not accept the scores at all and utilizes other ways to measure qualified journals. Here, we will attempt to show that the Brazilian system is more complex than previously thought. We will also advocate for the possible adoption of a rating system that does not follow any kind of metric system for rating journals. To conclude, we will address the fact that what has to change in Brazil is the unrealistic use of Impact Factor scores, rather than the whole governmental system.


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Biografia do Autor

  • Rafael Campos, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
    Doutorando em História (Doutorado Pleno no Exterior, processo 0956/12-0) no Centro de História de Além-Mar, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, com financiamento à pesquisa pela Capes. Associate Editor na De Gruyter Open. Mestre em História pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá (CAPES, Conceito 4), com financiamento à pesquisa pela Fundação Araucária. É graduado em História pela mesma instituição.





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