ShowAtHome: Art, Technology and Decolonial Experience in the Pandemic Context
Pandemic, Art, Technology, Teaching/Learning, Decolonial ExperienceAbstract
The work deals directly with the experience in conducting an open course in the online modality, as a complementary activity to the curriculum in an undergraduate course in the field of Communication at the University of the State of Bahia (Uneb). This activity appears as a possibility to contribute to the construction of courses/directions for education in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, as it reflects the teaching/learning locus- processes, spaces, subjects- through art and technology from a decolonial perspective. The course ShowAtHome (MostrEmCasa) aimed to reflect on the importance of art and media languages as a fundamental element for awareness, acceptance and facing the challenges lived worldwide, seeking to experience them in the “minimum” daily life imposed by this period of social isolation/confinement. The results show that art, through digital technologies, from a decolonial perspective, constitutes a resource for free thinking/doing about oneself and about the world
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Copyright (c) 2021 Claudio Xavier, Katia Santos de Morais, Nadia Virginia Barbosa Carneiro

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