Digital Sovereignty in times of AI: between perils of hegemonic agendas and possibilities of alternative approaches
digital sovereignty, popular digital sovereignty, sustainable digital sovereigntyAbstract
Although it has been on the agenda for over a decade, the importance of digital sovereignty has recently increased. Nations-states worldwide have developed policies or expressed through speeches the need to safeguard their interests in the digital realm. The current technological frontier is artificial intelligence (AI). Hence, digital sovereignty agendas now encompass the complexities introduced by AI. This article explores contemporary discourses on digital sovereignty, highlighting how different ideological positions shape these conversations. Current discussions reveal a multifaceted field where sovereignty is interpreted through varied lenses, directly influencing the governance of technologies such as AI. Predominant perspectives often focus on state, market, or individual sovereignty over data, algorithms, and AI models. However, through document and discourse analysis, the article examines alternative approaches such as sustainable, grassroots, and feminist digital sovereignties and those led by communities or indigenous peoples. These visions challenge the mainstream by emphasizing autonomy, inclusion, and sustainability in managing critical AI resources, including computing, databases, data, and algorithm governance. By analyzing these approaches, the article identifies principles that can foster more diverse, democratic, and virtuous AI development. Finds points out that participatory governance and the development of emancipatory technologies are essential to navigating the ethical and practical issues that emerge at the intersection of digital sovereignty and AI. In a normative way, the article concludes by reflecting on how these alternative discourses can influence the future of AI, pointing to paths that could lead to a more inclusive and sovereign AI development aligned with collective and environmental values. Future research could explore how these sovereignty conceptions catalyze an AI's evolution to align with collective digital self-determination and more conscious and equitable resource management practices.
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