The brazilian bibliometrics and the diffusion of innovations model
Bibliometrics, Scientometrics, Brazil, Diffusion of innovations, Rogers’ ModelAbstract
Applies the diffusion of innovations model proposed by Rogers (1963) to the producers of published literature
on “metrics” in Brazil from the 70s to December 2018. Therefore, it collects the works published in the form of
Academic articles, book chapters, papers presented at congresses, letters to the editor and publishers disseminated
by Brazilian authors who dealt with some aspects of metric studies (bibliometrics, scientometrics, informetrics, and
others). The authors of these works were classified, according to the categories established by Rogers (2003) of
innovators, initial adopters, early majority, late adopters and laggards. To categorize the authors, according to the
adoption of the innovation, the year of publication of the first work of each author was taken into account. 9,715
different authors were found who published 6,180 documents, of which the innovative adopters are 248 authors
(2.55%); the initial adopters are 1,327 authors (13.65%); early majority adopters are 3,018 authors (31.06%); lateadopters are 3,630 authors (37.36%); and laggards are 1,492 authors (15.36%). In conclusion, the percentages of
the categories of diffusion of innovations of Brazilian metrics are close to the values proposed by Rogers.
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