Multimedia metadata modeling

an ontological proposal based on reuse




Recursos multimídia×Anotação multimídia×Modelo Ontológico de Referência Multimídia×Ontologias×Interoperabilidade×


In recent years, there is a significant growth of semantically related and distributed data on the Web. In this context, metadata standards recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium have been used to describe and represent multimedia resources, making it possible to expand access points and improve the management, organization and recovery of digital resources on the network. A problem commonly found in institutional databases is the integrated treatment of heterogeneous data and the lack of standardization in description formats. The description of numerous items is generally carried out independently, with idiosyncratic standards of description, emphasizing different characteristics to be described and different terminologies to describe them, disregarding interoperability requirements between communities. The present research sought to advance in the forms of representation of multimedia documents with texts, videos, images, 3D models, audios, proposing an Ontological Model of Multimedia Reference capable of semantically organizing types of metadata to describe multimedia content in different contexts and needs. Methodologically, the modeling proposal was based on multimedia ontologies better placed in a ranking obtained from the NeOn Methodology guide, which ensured the selection of adequate knowledge resources in light of functional and non-functional requirements. The Ontological Model of Multimedia Reference proposed fundamental ontological classes and relationships from mappings and semantic alignments between reused ontologies, promoting a comprehensive architecture for the semantic organization of multimedia metadata addressed mainly to applications that deal with information resources on the Web.


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Author Biography

  • Daniela Lucas da Silva Lemos, UFES

    Doutora em Ciência da Informação pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) – MG – Brasil. Professora da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES) - Vitória, ES – Brasil.


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