Machine translation

Mapping technological developments through scientometrics


  • Marileide Dias Esqueda Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
  • Flavio de Sousa Freitas Universidade Federal de Uberlândia



Machine Translation. Translation Technologies. Scientometrics.


Conceived as a scientometric study, this paper searches for comprehending the research status of machine translation on the IEEE database from 1956 to 2019. Documents were analyzed considering a series of measures such as most prominent academic institutions and countries that investigate machine translation, citation, co-authorship, keywords co-occurrence, reference coupling, and textual-based analysis retrieved from the documents’ titles and abstracts. Through VOSviewer software and its tools for data collecting and visualization, machine translation research in the circumscribed database and period of time is focused on three main aspects: machine translation systems, statistical machine translation and English language.


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