Environmental sustainability in public university libraries, located in Belém, PA: realities and challenges
realidades e desafios
Information units. University education. Sustainable practices.Abstract
This article deals with environmental sustainability in university libraries (BU) of public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), located in Belém-PA. The objective was to identify sustainable practices in university libraries, since sustainability is present in the missions of all four HEIs whose BUs researched are subordinate and in the Sustainable Logistics Plans (PLS) of three of these HEIs. It is a research with a quantitative-qualitative approach, of the exploratory type. The data collection tools used were: bibliographic survey, observation and a structured interview with the directors of each library. Data analysis allows the understanding that libraries do not develop sustainable practices in a systematic way and there are no specific projects, but specific sustainable actions, especially those that do not depend on high financial investments, but are related to the attitudes of team members. However, there are still sustainable practices with these characteristics that are not implemented in the researched information units
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