Initial Dialogue:
CARE Principle in the Adaptation of Indigenous Health Data by the Secretariat of Indigenous Health in the Context of Open Government in Brazil
CARE Principle, Literature Review, Indigenous Health, Open GovernmentAbstract
This study investigates the application of the Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsibility, and Ethics (CARE) principles to the indigenous health data collected by the Secretariat of Indigenous Health (SESAI) in Brazil. Initially, the context of indigenous health policies in the country is discussed, highlighting the importance of integrating the Unified Health System (SUS) with indigenous policy to promote access to health for all. The research focuses on the need to align SESAI's data with the CARE principles, aiming to promote transparency and data availability for scientific research. Using a quantitative approach with exploratory aspects, the methodology included a bibliographic and documentary analysis to understand the CARE principles and propose strategies for aligning SESAI's data. The results indicate a growing interest in the topic, although there are gaps in data availability and in recognizing the rights of indigenous peoples over their data. The study initiated data processing, prioritizing the CARE principles, with the data made available in a geolocated tool. It concludes that the CARE Principles should guide future data collection and processing, supporting transparency and access to indigenous health data within the context of open government.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Diego José Macêdo, Elton Mártires Pinto, Gustavo Cardoso Paiva, Ingrid Torres Schiessl, Bernardo Dionízio Vechi, Milton Shintaku
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