Editorial Board Assignments

The editorial board of the journal Ciência da Informação performs the following duties:

Defining the editorial direction: Participates in defining the editorial planning, contributing to establishing editorial policies and guidelines, delineating the scope, topics, and quality standards for publication.

Content selection: Participates in selecting documents and works to be published, ensuring that they contribute to the objectives, concept, and excellence of the journal.

Peer review: Supervises the peer review process, ensuring that documents are evaluated impartially and rigorously before publication.

Editorial decision-making: Participates in decisions regarding editorial issues, such as accepting or rejecting documents, responding to authors' or reviewers' queries, and addressing disputes related to the evaluated content.

Journal promotion: Assists in promoting the journal, expanding the base of authors and readers, and increasing its visibility and impact in the academic community.

Quality maintenance: Ensures the integrity and quality of the published content, protecting the excellence and credibility of the journal.

Monitoring trends: Stays updated on trends and advancements in the research field covered by the journal, ensuring its ongoing relevance.