Analisis de la literatura sobre arte rupestre peruano



Palabras clave:

Arte rupestre, Arqueologia peruana, Bibliometria, Cienciometria


1134 documents on Peruvian rock art published until July 2019 are analyzed. These documents are disseminated through academic journals and are preferably published in Spanish and English. The production of documents conforms properly to Lotka's Law and the generalized inverse power model adequately predicts this distribution. This literature is highly hierarchical and stratified with just 25 authors responsible for 46.3% of the total published documents. The Herfindahl and Gini indices, as well as the Simpson and Shanon diversity and equity indices confirm that the production of documents in this discipline is highly concentrated, not very diverse, nor equitable. In the authors' collaboration, the concentration of documents produced by unique authors is noticeable and only a fifth of the documents were produced in collaboration by two or more authors. However, collaborative production becomes more intense and effective from the 1990s. This literature has entered into an epidemic process since the year 2000 and grows exponentially at a rate of 7% per year doubling its size every 10 years.


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Biografía del autor/a

  • Ruben Alvarado Urbizagastegui, Universidade da California em Riverside

    Doctorado en la Escuela de Ciencia de la Información de la Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)
    Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil. Bibliotecário da Universidad de California en Riverside – CA, USA.



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