Possibilities of Knowledge Absorptive Capacity Research in the Field of Business Administration




Palabras clave:

Absorptive capacity. Units of analysis. Antecedents. Consequent. Analytical dimensions


The central objective of this study is to present an overview of the absorptive capacity construct applied in research of the field of business administration. For this, the origins and conceptualizations of the absorptive capacity were analyzed; the main analysis units in which the construct has been applied have identified the main antecedents, the results of the construct and the analytical dimensions of the absorptive capacity. This research contributes to the development of studies on business strategies regarding absorptive capacities, as well as the identification of 'universal' components of absorptive capacity that can be used for analysis in other types of organizations.


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Biografía del autor/a

  • Davi Lucas Arruda de Araújo, UNIB

    Doutor (2016) e Mestre (2012) em Administração pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

    Graduado em Administração (2010) pela Faculdade Estácio de Alagoas

    Professor do Mestrado Profissional da Universidade Ibirapuera.

  • Rafael Morais Pereira, FEA USP UNIB FAEESP

    Doutorando e Mestre (2017) em Administração pela FEA USP.

    Graduando em Administração (2016) pela UFV.

    Professor da UNIB e da FAEESP.


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