Innovation, Technological Maturity, Technological Demand, Cariri RegionAbstract
The transfer of technology from Scientific and Technological and Innovation Institutions (STIs) to the market is a topic that has gained strength and notoriety within the scope of academic publications. There is already an instrument that has been widely used to assess the level of technological maturity of projects developed by STIs, which is the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) scale. The objective of this research is to analyze the Technological Maturity Level (TRL) of the projects of institutions in the Cariri/CE Region. Sixty-six laboratories from four institutions (UFCA, IFCE, URCA and UniFAP) were mapped and the TRL analysis of 22 laboratories was performed. The theme of this work is a great opportunity to leverage the growth of technologies developed in Cariri institutions, as there is the possibility of carrying out external partnerships for the continuity of projects or the development of new technologies.
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