Semi-automatic assessment of ICT Master Plancontents with Natural Language Processingtechnologies
natural language processing, text mining, semantic evaluation of ICT master plansResumo
This paper presents the results of a research on searching and semi-automatic assessment of interesting textual content on the Information and Communication Technology Master Plans published by a significant sample of Union’s government agencies. Using natural language processing technologies, it was retrieved useful information and made interesting discoveries from the documents of the plans for assessment of the state-of-the-art on ICT in the agencies, some of which having caused surprise (due to serendipity), such as the demand management model in some units based on estimates of the teams’ delivery capacity. It is concluded that the plans are in compliance with the official standards, including the observed interest of most agencies in current management issues, such as governance and risk management, and maturity in the assessment of market fads, but also is evident that its contents still lack approaches on some important ICT management practices to guide its technical evolution.
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