Scenarios for the implementation of information security policies in federal public universities




Information security management, Information Security Policies, Strategic information, Prospective scenarios


Information security policies are important rules for the efficient management of information in Federal Public Universities. In view of this context, this research aimed to prospect scenarios about the implementation of information security policies in federal public universities in the period between 2018 and 2022. Given the various methods of prospecting scenarios, for this research was chosen the method recommended by Michel Godet because of its structured method elaborated for exploratory scenarios and because of its set of software tools to assist the scenarios prospection. The research sought to apply two phases of the method: the first, structural analysis, that aimed at obtaining, complementarily, a complete representation of the system under study, as well as reducing the systemic complexity in key variables, through the MICMAC tool; the second phase, strategic analysis of actors, performed on the "engine" actors, the ones who command the key variables identified in the structural analysis. This phase was carried out with the support of the MACTOR tool. For the application of the proposed process, the following tools were used: brainstorming, expert consultation, bibliographic research and meetings. With the result of the structural analysis and the analysis of the strategies of the actors, three possible scenarios were designed on information security policies in federal public universities, showing trends or ruptures. In this way, conducting a survey on the implementation of these policies can assist administrations in building information security management processes based on governance models, aligned with trends without forgetting disruptions.


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Author Biographies

  • Wagner Junqueira de Araújo, University Federal of Paraíba - UFPB

    PHD in Information Science from the University of Brasília - UNB; Master in Information Science - UNB and Bachelor in Computer Science by University of Oeste Paulista. Professor of the Post Graduate Program in Information Science - PPGCI / UFPB. Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Management in Learning Organizations - PPGOA / UFPB. Associate Professor of the Department of Information Science, University Federal of Paraíba - UFPB.

  • Sueny Gomes Léda Araújo, Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB

    PhD student in Information Science. Master's Degree in Information Science from the Graduate Program in Information Science of the Federal University of Paraíba-UFPB (2016). Degree in Social Communication - Public Relations from the Federal University of Paraíba (2002). Specialist in Information Unit Management by the UFPB.

  • Rafaela Romaniuc Batista, Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB

    PhD student in Information Science - PPGCI/UFPB. Master in Information Science - PPGCI/UFPB. Graduated in Computer Science at the Federal University of Campina Grande (2006) and specialization in systems engineering at Escola Superior Aberta do Brasil (2010) . Tutor UAB/UFPB in Computer Science at Universidade Federal da Paraíba.


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