The Implementation of Media and Information Literacy by the Librarian in the Scope of School Libraries
Alfabetização midiática e informacional, Biblioteca escolar, Bibliotecário, Competência informacionalAbstract
This study addresses the relationship between Media and Information Literacy (MIL) and its implementation through the work of librarians within school libraries. In the current context, in which individuals need to understand the informational universe and develop the ability to identify and recognize their informational needs for the selection and use of different sources of information and for the quality of research and the results achieved, the school library becomes the protagonist for the processes of learning and construction of knowledge to take place. In view of this, this research aims to verify if there are studies at the national level that relate the MIL and the performance of the librarian who works in school libraries. To this end, a bibliographic survey of national publications that address this topic was carried out, in open databases, until the end of November 2021. The analysis of seven publications retrieved in this search was carried out. From the results of the analysis of the collected data, it was possible to perceive that despite the urgent need for its implementation, the MIL theme is still little explored by Brazilian researchers and its relationship with librarians and school libraries is even smaller. In addition, the studies highlighted that there is still a lot to be done in relation to the development of informational skills, but they highlighted the need for the presence and performance of the librarian, highlighting how essential the role of this professional is in the educational and informational context at school, in different types of libraries and in society.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Laura Valladares de Oliveira Soares, Bruno Fortes Luce, Lizandra Brasil Estabel

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