Community Archives in the context of the Technical Scientific-Informational Environment: agents of Globalization in Solidarity and Decolonial Innovation


  • Fernanda Parolo de Mattos Nogueira UFAM/ Professora Substituta
  • Luciana de Souza Gracioso UFSCar / Professora



community archives, scientific and technical-informational environment, decolonial innovation, globalization in solidarity, information science


This article aims, from the context of the Technical-Scientific-Informational Environment, to discuss the Community Archive as a cultural and innovative unit with an inclusive and decolonial character. It is a basic research, focused on the development and deepening of knowledge, with a qualitative exploratory base, exclusively focused on the development of a narrative review of the literature, in view of the nature of the subjects that would necessarily need to be studied and related. In defense of a Globalization in Solidarity scenario, Community Archives stand out as powerful agents, considering that they safeguard the diversity of memories, seeking greater representation of social groups. By combining information, culture, memory and innovation, they are able to contribute to the solidary development of society. In this way, Community Archives as agents of Globalization in Solidarity and decolonial innovation can be optimized based on precepts and guidelines of the United Nations, in particular, aiming to meet the Sustainable Development Goals. It is accepted that Information Science and Archival Science in an interdisciplinary movement in informational studies are the necessary force for the articulation and dialogue between the mentioned elements, aiming to safeguard the principles of humanity, ethics, inclusion, respect and decoloniality.


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