The habermasian theory in a training movement carried out during the covid-19 pandemi

the mediating functions in focus




As funções mediadoras de Habermas. Gestores públicos de educação. Formação continuada. Pandemia de Covid-19.


Considering the importance of continuing education processes for education professionals, the objective is to analyze a training movement of Special Education Managers in 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic, through the mediating functions of the theory and practice relationship, sustained in the theoretical framework of Habermas and the authors Carr and Kemmis. A qualitative documental analysis of the Study-Reflection Group: Special Education Management as a formative process is carried out. The study-reflection groups are based on action-research and constitute self-reflective groups. The performance of the functions is identified through the training actions organized and implemented in a cyclical movement during the analyzed period, in addition, the

data point to positive gains when it comes to the self-reflective development and the emancipation of the subjects involved, the mediating functions of the theory and practice relationship. The identification of mediating functions constitutes an important means of investigating the conditions that make it possible to generate knowledge that is valuable for educational networks. The need to discuss, think and invest in critical formations is defended as a way to break paradigms established in the midst of an instrumental rationality.


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How to Cite

The habermasian theory in a training movement carried out during the covid-19 pandemi: the mediating functions in focus. Logeion: Filosofia da Informação, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, v. 9, p. 496–510, 2022. DOI: 10.21728/logeion.2022v9nesp.p496-510. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.